Saturday, December 5, 2009

Repost-Rules of the New Amsterdam Cafe

/I know this is a repost but I wrote this article before this blog and I'm moving off the site I had it on originally/ 

A visitor to Vancouver walks down an unfamiliar street in an unknown neighborhood; the air is warm, the coffee shops plentiful, and the people happy. All in all a normal Canadian day filled with happiness and maple syrup. In the midst of normalcy one thing is off. The wind shifts and suddenly a thick smell wafts through the air, filling it with all the density and permanence of a cement truck.

Intrigued our visitor walks towards the source. Passing a darkened entrance the smell leaps out and attacks them, dragging them towards the entrance.  Quickly looking in they see many strange things: old men, young men, women of all ages, dragons, glasswork, wraps, and lighters. Assaulted by this vision and unsure in a foreign country they back out, unwilling to enter this strange and unfamiliar environment, to buy the ticket, to take the ride.

It is this very scenario that confronts me on a weekly basis, all too often I see some visitor to our fair land confounded and confused by the pseudo-hypocritical nature of a legitimate tax-generating venue dedicated not to the culture or paraphernalia of the marijuana prohibition, but to the consumption of the drug. Because of this uncertainty many people who visit Vancouver miss out on the full experience of taking a trip to the premier herb friendly café in North America. 

Located at 301 west Hastings Street and surrounded by the infamous pot block The New Amsterdam Café is one of the few smoke friendly establishments currently operating. Since the destruction of their sister shop Blunt Brothers the New Amsterdam Café has developed a deep connection to the counter culture movement that has resided in Vancouver since far beyond the memory of this writer.

If you want enjoy the New Amsterdam in the way it was meant to be enjoyed all you have to do is follow some very basic rule. A drawback to the nature of the Café is that it is in essence a thorn in the side of the BC government. Most of these rules are in place not to protect the patrons from each other, or to protect the establishment from the patrons, but to safeguard against the closure of the Café. 

Rule one.
Do not ask where to buy cannabis.

Read this rule, know this rule, love this rule. Under no circumstances talk about buying marijuana inside of the café. Don’t ask the customers, don’t ask the staff, and don’t try and sell anything, you will be asked to leave. This is an easy rule to follow but one that eludes many people. I think some of them believe that the rule is just there for show, to placate the police and ensure that the doors open every day, while others just think that the rule doesn’t apply to them. Whatever the case; follow this rule! The staff will appreciate it.
When it comes down to it why would you need to ask? A river of green flows through BC, you just need you reach out and touch it.

Rule two.

For some people bring your own bud hardly needs to be stated as a rule. The use of cannabis as a social drug has lead to a large and vibrant community of people who are more then willing to share their stash, it is the other kind of smoker this addresses, the “Broke” friend, the guy from out of town, and the guy whose dealer got busted. All characters you will meet in the café who will attempt to separate you from your stash. Never become one of these individuals, share and share alike, and remember to always load for bear.

Rule three
No tobacco

No one likes this product being smoked in the café, it violates some very reasonable laws and infringes on the enjoyment of herb by the other patrons. Many of the medical users who congregate also find the cigarette smoke irritating on a personal level (who knew someone with cancer would object to a spliff?).  This includes blunts so wait until the hotel room to wrap it up.

Rule four

It sounds like such a little thing but in this day and age it has to be mentioned. Treat the staff well, treat the customers well, and your day will go a lot smother.

Rule Five

I cannot emphasize this enough; the atmosphere of the café is unique for obvious reasons. Sitting, smoking, and talking are the sole endorsed activities in such an atmosphere.  In taking the time to communicate with your fellow smokers, you can really get a feel for the flow of life in Vancouver and the diverse and interesting people that populate it. 

There it is, five rules to enjoy the café. Follow these and anyone from anywhere can stride with equal ease into the café and mingle with the vast assortment of humanity gathered under the rising cloud of thick yellow smoke.

301 West Hastings Street, 
Vancouver, BC V6B 1H6, Canada‎ 
(604) 682-8955  


  1. I am coming from San Diego California to go snow boarding in Whistler and I want to bring some of BC's finest with me. Where can I get it?

  2. well....... find someone on the street who looks to be between the ages of 16-25. ask if they know where to get weed.

    they will.

    source: i live there.

  3. Actually, most pot dispensary's offer free membership with a valid ID. Takes about 10-15 mins to sign up in my experience. I would start with BC Pain Society, if you're downtown go to Canna City, it'll take you even less time.
